Saturday, July 24, 2010

10 things we are doing this summer related to SPD (sort of)

  1. The boy has started occupational therapy - AGAIN.
  2. The girl is scheduled for an SPD evaluation (mostly in case she is a SEEKER). 
  3. The boy is scheduled for his MRI (shhhh don't say anything to him yet). 
  4. We are starting to do brushing again this summer. 
  5. We will start the listening program again if we can connect our old OT w/our new OT.
  6. The boy is scheduled to see an orthodontist next month regarding his mouth structure and how it might change. 
  7. We may well end up paying out of pocket for speech therapy if our dang school district let's the proposed cuts to special education stand. 
  8. We need to get a blood draw for the boy so we can figure out what vitamins and minerals he is missing and supplement. 
  9. Now that the boy's ear tubes finally came out (years later), we are having him seen by the ENT next month about new potential low frequency hearing loss which may be a tiny hole in his ear. 
  10. We keep on keeping on trying to have as much fun between all this medical stuff as we can, including trips that make the boy exercise and build muscles and get outside (such as Mt. Rainier)!
And you? 

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